How Often Should I Change The Oil In My Generator? (Portable & RV)

Generators are the perfect solution for people who find themselves in a place where there is no power. However, if you don’t maintain it correctly, it can be more trouble than what it’s worth. 

You might be thinking about how often should i change the oil in my generator, but don’t make the mistake of not changing it at all.

Changing the oil is one of the most important parts of maintaining your generator. This one act can improve the lifespan and performance of your generator by preventing damage or dysfunction.

I had a generator installed in my house about a year ago. It’s not something I knew a lot about, but it was installed by professionals. It seems like one of those things that have to be done periodically or bad things will happen. 

Recently I noticed a low oil warning notification light on my generator and decided I better change it.

How Often Should I Change The Oil In My Generator? 

If you’re thinking about how often you should change the oil in your generator, according to my expertise recommendation, it’s important to consider a few things first. First, what kind of oil are you using? Is it synthetic or conventional? If it’s conventional, you’ll want to change it every 50 hours. Second, what kind of generator do you have? 

Synthetic oils can last up to 100 hours. Some generators have a “low oil” indicator light that will come on when the oil needs changing. 

Others don’t have this feature, so keep an eye on your generator. If it doesn’t sound quite right and seems to be struggling with loads that used to be no problem at all, then it may be time for an oil change.

Normally, most portable generator engines require an oil change every 50 to 100 usage hours, so keep an eye on your level. Oil on an RV generator must change every 100 to 150 usage hours. 

Finally, how often do you use your generator? If you only turn it on once or twice a year for emergency power outages, then you probably only need to change the oil once every two years or so (or whenever the light comes on). 

But if you use it daily or weekly, then you may want to consider changing it every few months (or sooner).

To understand more, read the full article. 

How Long Can Oil Sit in a Generator?

Well, the short answer is: “a while.”

But let’s back up. It’s important to understand that oil is a lubricant, and it’s designed to keep your generator running smoothly. So, when you first install your generator, you’ll need to add oil. That’s it. 

Once you’ve done that, there’s no reason to mess with it again unless something happens to your generator and you need to repair or replace it. In that case, you should change or replace the oil again.

If you don’t use your generator for a long time (more than two weeks), it may be worth draining out the old oil before storing it away so that it doesn’t gather dirt from sitting around. 

However, if you’re using it on a regular basis and just want to store it for a few days or weeks at a time, there shouldn’t be any problem leaving it on its own without draining out anything first. Just make sure to check for leaks or other problems before using the generator again.

Also See: How long can a generac generator run continuously?

Difference Between Portable & RV Generators:

Generators are common in many homes and businesses, but they come in different forms. You may have seen small portable or large RV generators, but how do you know which is right for your needs?

The first thing to consider is the size of the generator. Portable generators are small enough to fit easily into a car trunk or backseat, making them ideal for use at home during power outages or camping trips. 

On the other hand, RV generators are designed for use in RVs and boats to provide power for appliances and entertainment systems.

Another important difference between these types of generators is the fuel type used. Portable generators run on gasoline or propane, while RV generators typically run on diesel fuel. 

This means that you’ll need tanks to store these fuels if you’re using an RV generator at home (or lugging around heavy propane tanks). Portable generators can be refueled at any gas station, while RV generators require more equipment and planning to refuel them properly.

Right Time to Change the Oil of Portable Generator:

If you’re using your portable generator for recreation, you might only use it once or twice a year. To keep your generator running smoothly, it’s important to change the oil regularly.

Many people think that if they don’t use their portable generators often, they shouldn’t have to worry about changing the oil as frequently. However, this isn’t true at all! If you don’t change the oil regularly, then your generator could become damaged over time and stop working properly.

Portable generators use gasoline as fuel and require frequent maintenance in order to function properly. You should change the oil in your portable generator every 50 to 100 usage hours or once every two months (whichever comes first). 

This will help ensure that your generator will continue working efficiently for years to come.

Right Time to Change the Oil of RV Generator:

Your generator is like a car. You have to change the oil in your generator, just like you would with a car.

RV generators can be expensive, and they’re also essential to keeping your RV running. Many factors determine how often you should change the oil in your RV generator, but it’s important to know that it should be done regularly. You should change the oil in your portable generator every 100 to 150 usage hours.

The first thing to consider is how much use your generator gets. If you only use it once or twice a year, you probably don’t need to change the oil very often at all. 

However, if you use it frequently throughout the year, then you will need to change it more often, perhaps every month or two months. 

Can Synthetic Oil Last Longer Than Conventional Oil?

Synthetic oil is a great substitute for conventional oil because it performs better in the engine.

Synthetic oil lasts longer than conventional oil and can handle more extreme temperatures. Because of this, synthetic oil has longer oil change intervals than conventional oil.

However, using synthetic oil will not always result in longer intervals between oil changes. The type of generator you are using and what kind of engine it has will determine whether or not it is suitable for synthetic oil

Some engines require special types of oils due to their design and operational characteristics, which means that even if the engine is designed for synthetic oil, there may still be cases where the manufacturer recommends a different kind of lubricant.

Which Factors Affect the Oil Change Frequency? 

The frequency of oil change in generators is determined by several factors. These include the generator type, generator usage, and motor oil type. 

In an ideal situation, a generator should be changed every 3 months or after 150 hours of use. However, this is not always possible because many people do not have access to adequate maintenance facilities or cannot afford to pay for services regularly.

Generator Type: 

There are various factors that affect the frequency of generator oil changes. The most important factor is the type of generator. There are two common types: portable and standby.

The average frequency of oil change for portable generators is once every three months, while the average frequency for standby generators is once every six months.

The reason for this difference lies in the fact that standby generators are used much more frequently than portable generators. As a result, they experience more wear and tear, which requires more frequent oil changes to maintain optimal performance.

Generator Usage: 

The frequency at which you change your generator’s oil depends on how much oil the generator is used. The more frequently it’s used, the more often you’ll need to change its oil.

Every generator is different. Generator usage is the main factor that affects how frequently you should change your generator’s oil. If you run your generator often, then you may want to change the oil every 100 hours (or less frequently). 

If you only use your generator occasionally, then you can go longer between changes but don’t forget about it! It’s important to keep an eye on your generator’s condition and make sure it’s always ready for action.

Oil Type: 

One of the most important considerations is whether you use synthetic or conventional oil. Synthetic oils have been around for a long time, and they have steadily improved over time. 

They provide better lubrication and protection against heat, wear and tear, oxidation, and corrosion.

Conventional oil is cheaper and more readily available than synthetic oil. It’s not as effective at preventing engine wear, but it can still do the job if used properly.

Is it Effective to Change the Generator Oil Quickly? 

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re asking yourself that very question. After all, it’s a pretty good question.

So, here’s the deal: is it good to change generator oil frequently?

Well, no, and yes. It depends on your circumstances and the type of generator you have. If you have a residential generator that’s been installed for more than a year, chances are it’s time to change the oil. But if you have a portable generator or one that’s only been in use for six months or less, don’t worry about it yet.

The reason we say “no” first is that it’s not necessary and not just because we’re trying to sell you stuff. The reality is that changing your generator’s oil will likely do more harm than good if you don’t need to do so already. 

Changing your oil too soon can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your engine, which could result in costly repairs down the line when it does need new oil!

But here’s where we say “yes.” If your generator has been installed for more than a year and hasn’t been serviced recently (or ever), then yes, it probably needs new oil right away.

If you don’t change the oil in your generator, it will eventually seize up and stop working. The reason for this is that the oil breaks down over time, and when it does, it loses its lubricating properties. 

This means that as the generator runs, there is less and less lubrication to keep things running smoothly. Eventually, the parts will begin to rub together with enough force to cause damage, and eventually, that damage will get so bad that the engine stops working altogether.


In short, the answer to the question of how often should i change the oil in my generator depends on how many hours you plan to run your generator, and less oil is used the fewer hours you run it per week or month. 

However, a good rule of thumb is to change the oil in it every 100 running hours. You can extend it to 150 running hours if you use a fuel stabilizer and you are storing your generator most of the time during your off-season. 

I have changed the oil at 50 running hours and then again at 100 running hours, and no problems have been noticed.

FAQS or Related Questions

How long does oil in a generator last?

It depends on the type of oil you use and how often the generator is in use. If it’s only used occasionally, it can last for many years. As an expert, I recommend you change after 50 to 200 hours of use. 

What happens if you dont change the generator oil?

The oil becomes contaminated, the generator is damaged, and it can lead to complete engine failure.

How often should I change the oil in my diesel generator?

Change your generator’s oil depending on the size. Small generators should be changed every 50 hours with a 20-30% thinner mix, while larger ones change oil at 500 hours with a 10-20% thicker mixture.

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